the promise
the promise
hidden in the fruit
loosed fear
upon the consciousness
the four rivers
could not wash it away
though the light was on
and we saw all we needed
the dark offered more
we toiled the soil
but the fruit
did not satisfy
we adopted ritual
in hopes to evoke
an awakening
an understanding
of how to retrace our paths
we saw the Fire Bush
that still burns
within the essence
of our yearning
for eternity
and we feel the calling
the golden thread
is not found
in the Temple of Bricks and Mortar
go ye to the Temple of Breath
burn the dross
worry not the cost
of losing one’s self
for in the center of your garden
lives the promise
17 July 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

for this thing i feel . . .
they told me i would burn in hell
for this thing i feel for you
and if that be my lot
please God
let me excise this Demon
before i submit
let me experience this itch
and it’s scratching
and the caresses
ushered through space
by the breath of Venus
for never before
have i seen this
self of me in such a state
of need
they ask of me penance
before the sentence
of the letter of condemnation
i must wear
to let all know
i followed my lust
in trust
i believe
that what i was feeling
was meant to be shared
as i bared my self
and stood naked
in the reflections
of my basest of passion
for you
Condemn me
if you must Teacher
Condemn me my Holy Preacher
Condemn this Soul
that was never yours
and in the course
of your path
i am sure
we will meet again
and i pray for you
as you say you do for me
i pray for clarity
and not another truth
but reality
a valid certainty
that uncovers the “IS”ness
of creation
and it’s Progenitor’s visions
i want to know
who has sown
this Fruit of Passion
upon my loins
that makes me
want to taste you
and share
my sweetest imaginings
with you
yes, i want to feel
the liquid essence
of our love communion
across my lips
in this eternal moment
let me savor
the infinite embrace
found only in “Oneness”
if i am sleep
damn the awakening
as i feel all that i am
with an yet to be fulfilled
that grows ever more
with each breath
my heart is suspended
in the realm of anticipation
as this elation
without equivocation
continues to march
to the possibilities
of this journey
i be damned the Old one’s say
but i need you to know
that this day
i shall follow the ways of my Desires
i shall sit by the Fires of Passion
that burn within my Longings
i shall sup of the spirit of Blissful Thoughts
i shall dine at the table of Expectations
and i shall listen
in the Movement of Silence
in Stillness
to that Holy Resonance
that stirs my Soul
for this thing i feel . . .
© 19 July 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the unspoken memories
of our chaotic past
is lived out each day
within us
we remember the place
of our grande spawning
all too well
the Stars of the dark night sky
faithfully light the way
back home
and still we do not listen
as they resonate
like beacons
for wayward ships
who are lost at sea
we have been cruising
while wailing
in anguish
about our plight
and the absence of
what we once embraced
and in our convoluted expressions
betwixt our generic selves
and illusion
we find
there is no solace,
for mind
is now at the helm
and in that distant realm
we once inhabited
the table has been set
but we have not arrived yet
will the food spoil ?
will the drink become stale ?
as we fail to come to the reckoning
that is beckoning
us to let go
of this anchor
we have bound our souls to
most times
in this Sea of Forgetfulness
it is quite difficult
to effectively employs one’s rudder
and without a Compass
a Sextant
and a Charted course
of course we will get lost
and as we are tossed about
upon the Tides of Fear and Doubt
never to understand
the Moon’s purposeful work
and presence
and our quirky rationales
fail us often
and never soften
the blows
when we crash upon the rock
and the dry desolate shores
of isolated islands
of our consciousness
too often we see ourselves as separate
from the whole
of the Soul
of all things
disconnected in circumspect
of our own self created inner hauntings
never to grasp how undaunting
the task at hand really is
when we turn about
and face our self
there is a plethoric sweetness of fruit
that ripens in the garden of Soul
where untold wealth springs forth
with but a simple asking
yet still here we are basking
in the shade of the Dark Sun
where all light is made of deception
that which we confirm into existence
with no resistance whatsoever
to the unaccountable endeavors
of those who would choose our fates for us
and yet though we do not trust them
we go along anyway
down a path of diminishing possibilities of survival
while waiting for some mythical revival
of an anointed enigma
to remove the stigma
of the Dark suit we have adorned
with glee
that we call me
and the sanctity of it all
does not reside
in any thing that can be real
and we convince our self daily
that we feel something
we march along
to some Piper’s Song
as we faintly hear
the unspoken memories
of our chaotic past
that is lived out
each day
within us
as a token of truth
yet . . .
© 05 June 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the Saints Walk By
the Saints are walking in the Holy Parade
playing the music we hear
whispering and singing and shouting and screams
within our dreams
wanna play ?
charades is the game of choice
in this game we call life
i pick up the blade, the knife
i attempt to consciously disengage
my consciousness . . .
the Spider Web of Doctrines and Beliefs
and the Foods of my Ancestors . . .
have i overeaten ?
they do say you are what you eat
but . . .
what was in that Casserole ?
my stomach hurts mommy
here she says . . .
take another pill
it will be all right in a little while
i trusted her
i trusted in the intentional goodness
and i am now contentionally weeping
in my soul
seeking resolve
as i evolve
the next day i fell
i skinned the knees of my divine self
i bled
they gave me a Band-Aid and some orange stinging liquid
that shit hurt !
must we be pained to heal ?
yet i am still bleeding
and the blood pours forth every day
by now i should be dead
for i have been bleeding it seems
since the beginning of time
my hands have been pierced in the palms
i can no longer grasp any truth
or any thing else for that matter
yes, i too bear a cross
upon which many times over i have been nailed
i look down from my perch of forsakenness
and i see yet still
the Saints Walk By
(c) 17 November 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.

Morning Sun
here i am
sitting in the morning Sun
freshly awakened
from my land of dreams
the warm Sun beams brightly
and i close my eyes
and there she is
painted on the inside of my lids
lying there
upon my bed
arms and such open
welcoming me into her warmth
once again
and the dream continues
while sitting here
in the warm Morning Sun
© 9 June 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

i am . . . absolved
the Demons of Darkness
are dancing with glee
for the Children
have not yet fully awakened
the bells on the Steeple
are still ringing
calling home all who have forsaken
their Cosmic Birthright
in the midst of this night
adorned with things
which ushers forth the grande delusion
and the collusion betwixt the fallen
the conspiracy
found within their heresy
has stifled the sound
the sound of the calling
which we have been waiting for
for so many eons
my soul is screaming
let us arise
let us get up
let us dance in the night
let us dance in the light
of the distant memories
and the faintly twinkling Stars
and the liquid luminescence of the Moon
let us dance the dance
of a truth
that is not moved
and is not soothed
by the smooth tongues of deceit
let us speak that word
known only to the Great Soul
that which resides within me
that word
that has not been heard
since “Life’s Tree”
has been planted in the Garden
by the Four Rivers i stand
with eyes opened
and out stretched hands
that i may receive
thy blessings Father
anoint me
hearken unto my plea
that overflows with the anguish
of illusions endured
and the hunger
for joys still yet desired
that which emanates
within the abysmal depths of me
and i beseech thee
let not death
nor her family of trickery
have it’s way
nor triumph
this day
for the morrow
when my Sun arises
and recognizes who i am
my sorrow is reconciled
and all vile things
shall no longer be
for i am awakening
and i most assuredly see
the legacy
of the Bliss filled life
You would have for me
when i commune
and realize
that i am One with Thee
and my Soul Speaks “aye”
and i will not deny
that in a “Twinkling of an Eye”
the lie is vanquished
and the Ancient language of thy love
will be spoken freely once again
we will dance to the tune
and all be it
none to soon
and Truth will forever reign
as my tears rain down
and i submit to the divine acknowledgement
of the presence of the Holy
of all things manifest
i will bask in the light of “BE”ing
and no longer fleeing
that inner light i could never escape
and i bow in “The Know”
that as the Four Rivers do flow
into Eternity . . . Eternally
that i too am “The Infinite”
and that i am
as i have always been
“I AM”
and in that moment
when the final Epiphany
greets my consciousness
with that Sacred Kiss
i am . . . absolved
© 3 April 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

Every Saturday
my Son and i awakened that Saturday Morning
the Sun was bright
it was a lovely Spring Day
we brushed our teeth
washed our face
as we prepared for our weekly visit
to the market
needless to say he was so excited
we both were
we dressed
in a sort of reverent appreciation
for life
a warm silence
permeated the air
and we could hear our own hearts beating
with anticipation
we exited the house
that morning about 10 o’clock
the birds were singing
while digging in the lush green lawn
looking for brunch i guess
just as they did every Saturday Morning
when we went about our quest
to the market
yes my Son and i were on a mission
we had things to do
Brown Bags to fill
with edible Discoveries of the day
we jumped in the car
i turned the key
which cranked the engine
and my son
he asked if he could drive
i smiled as i did every other Saturday
and i replied
“One Day Soon Son”
he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye
and he said
“OK Daddy . . .Cool”
i chuckled
as we buckled our Seat Belts
we pulled out of the Drive way
many of our neighbors were busy
mowing their lawns
tending their Flower Gardens
and all sorts of Saturday Morning things
and this Saturday Morning
just like every Saturday Morning
He, my Son waved
and said hello to them all
and told everyone
“we are on the way to the mall”
i softly looked at him in love
and i accepted his perspective in silence
as i do every Saturday
we arrived at the market
and he anxiously bounced in car
in the seat
while i parked it
when we came to a stop
he hurriedly unbuckled his belt
and i chuckled for i felt
his glee
all in me
he quickly ran to the Market
ahead of me
you see
he had a routine
which was a part of his joy
his life
his need
and before i could plead with him to slow down
he was through the doors
and into the store
seeking to satisfy his heart’s wishes
and as i approached
he came back out again
with a smile that had no end
and he exclaimed
“I know what i am going to buy Mommy”
i smiled warmly
and before i could evoke the question “what?”
he spoke of such things in the bakery
like the Pastry with Nuts
and such
but today he wanted to get Chesse Cake
yes Cheese Cake
just as he does every Saturday
we both knew that was her favorite
if she was here with us
she would savor it
and her Favorite of course
was Strawberry
we went into the market
to the Bakery
as we did every Saturday
and John the Baker
came to the counter
and said cheerily
with deliberate flattery
How can i help you young man.
and my son beamed in bright wonder
for John had acknowledge him
as an growing equal
a man soon to be
one who could make valid decisions
for him self
and his Mother
He placed his order
and John lovingly wrapped it
with a certain and knowing care
he put a special bow of string on it
as he did every Saturday morning
my son surveyed the package
took his order gingerly
and held it
in the crest of his arms
he did not want his gift damaged
it was heartfully special to him
we completed our errands in the market
and we went to the car where we parked it
we got in our seats
our mission complete
we buckled our Seat belts
and we drove home
there was a hanging silence in the car at this time
as we both knew what was to come
we pulled into the Driveway
exited the Car
and entered the house
with a prevalent awareness
of each and every now laborious step
we entered the Kitchen
My son unwrapped the Cheesecake
and placed it on the Plate
his Mother’s Favorite plate
that which she loved
as long as we could remember
we sat at the Table
and we bowed our heads
and offered a Prayer
to Mommy
for Mommy was not here
she was in the world of Spirit
and the Prayer we prayed
was that She could hear it
we prayed that Cancer
would never take another Mommy from a child
and though Mommy has been gone from us a while
we still felt her presence
the Tears flowed from within us
and began to drip on the Table
and in a knowing Silence
that Mommy was not dead
we each grabbed a napkin
and wiped our eyes
and as we did each and every Saturday
we realized
just how much she still means to us
we gave thanks
and my Son
the coming Man
did understand
something quite profound
that grounded him
and that was
that through it all
we must continue to answer the call
every Saturday
every Day
for Mommy
for God
for Us
Love Prevails . . .
every Day
every Saturday
© 9 March 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

that poem
i stood
i looked life in the eye
and i began to speak
i spoke of my
dancing heart
my dancing thoughts
my dancing dreams
in dancing tones
i danced through the syllables
with joy
formulating words
to create verse
for i was being
that poem
called gratitude
called life
that poem
© 1 June 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

in Wyoming
we stopped at McDonalds
in Wyoming
it was all too familiar
the Golden Arches
the smell of breakfast
Drive-In spilling over
people placing orders
Mountains without borders
the people stared
i guess there were
not many Black People
in Wyoming
it was nice being the focus
of another Sister’s and Brother’s
and curiosity
all i want now is a hug
and then you can feel me
and then you can see
that i am just like you
in Wyoming
© 15 July 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

we did not know
what sort of Birds they were
but they flew any way
exposing the power
and fallibilities of knowledge
knowing does not make a thing
what it is
for it “IS”
or without
our consent
to experience dwarfs “knowing”
to feel again
is life’s most memorable treasure
the faint shadows of living
© 16 July 2011 : William S, Peters, Sr.

needful things
i stood facing the East
my longings bared
and upon the surface
of my consciousness
seeking an understanding
that would fulfill
there were things
not only of body,
but of heart
needful things
we endure the lack
with hopes
that our cries are heard
while the tears of despair
stain our hopeful light
and pricks the bladder
that holds the air
of wantings
and desires
we are the ones . . .
for sure we are,
yet we cling
we let loose
we cling
we let loose
in our cyclic understanding
of our abilities
wedged betwixt the teachings
of our faith
needful things
matters not whether it is perception
nor illusion
the impact is the same
and when the Sun rises to greet me
i only wish to hear the utterance
of a name
i can call on
that requires not my patience
or the holding of etheric wishes
to greet me
where life’s authenticity resides
i am not hiding
yet there are shadows seeking
to engulf me
and what little light i see
about me
within me
and as a knight
in the night
i draw my sword of discernment
dashing it’s blade
slashing at my own
and elective delusions,
those that i see
in the deceptive
reflective light of the Moon
waxing or waning
needful things
shall i be the Champion
of my own making ?
am i the Wizard
of this Soul Spoken Alchemy
the Masters,
the Mystics
and Sage speak of ?
is love truly the answer ?
and what does Romance have to do with it ?
and do i truly understand
the demands upon my call
for my evolution
beyond the presence
of what i call light ?
i stand in the Halls of the Holy
the moment of “NOW”
OPEN . . . .
and ready
as best i can
as a man
and as a child
is the compelling nature
of my desirous essence
and suspect presence
so this is the moment
here i am
offering that which i own
the nothingness
the emptiness
that i may be filled
as i spill my request
while Confessing
and the offering of Prayers
yes, i have
done it all
and still i have these
needful things
© 19 July 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the South Side of Heaven
it was another beautiful day
here on the South Side of Heaven
not too warm as one would expect
the infernal fires of condemnation
still burned ferociously
in a few hearts here and there
but there was this cool breeze of indifference that prevailed
no one really truly seemed to give a damn
about what those guys in the robes had to say any more
though they still were begging in the streets
preaching and frothing at the mouth
about such things as Tithes
and payment for some old concept of behavior
they called sin
no one bought into it any more
every one had lost their fear
we all embraced love
even for those misinformed fools
in their Satin and Silk Robes
of Regal Reds and Purples
i remember long ago when i was a kid
the many nightmare i had
where this horned Red Beast
who breathed fire use to come and visit
i have even forgiven them for that
stealing my inner light
and holding it ransom
for their misinterpretation
of how i could get back home
to heaven
do you think they knew
all along that Heaven was always mine
it was within me
just like the Christ guy said
we have looked all around
for what we always had
the key to the gate
and now as i sit and ponder
the migration of spiritual man
i realize we did not have to go as far as we thought
it was all that erroneous stuff
that we bought into
that inhibited our understanding
and the Shepherds of this flock we call Human
had their own agendas
they wanted such empty things as
Not one of them could fit through that needle’s eye
and they refused to ask why
perhaps it was something about
that Log in their eye
that kept them blinded
and i am reminded
of all the centuries of time
and all the Poet’s Rhymes
that tried to tell us there was so much more
in less
and the leaders tried their best
to keep the knowledge amongst them selves
only to discover this truth i
the real Hell
lives within as well
funny how things change over the ages
the Sages become the Fools
and the Jesters run the schools
for freedom is what we all truly vied for
and died for
and now that the score is back to zero
we are at that point of understanding
that demanding anything
is not the “Secret” of Attraction
nor it’s Law.
we have all lived
and we saw with our own eyes
a greater realization
and that was to but speak a word
and let it be
and here on the South Side of Heaven
I am free
© 10 March 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the “Seeker’s Path”
the clouds of understanding are before me
as i stand upon the “Seeker’s” Path
seeking a home
a place of resolution
where all is cozy and safe and warm
all life about me stands
as it always has
in witness of some quiet knowing
and i am continually sowing
seeds . . .
to what end my friend ?
somewhere in the unknown
or forgotten recesses of me
my “i”
i can not see the Harvest
but in my ever light projections
i trust it will come
as i attempt to remain aplomb
to this journey
this world
this experience
it does not matter whether i am really “HERE” or not
for i forgot to some degree
what it is i am supposed to do
yet, the Ether of understanding
that i hold in my hands
whispers faintly
of a time Long ago . . . Now
and i sow the seeds of wantonness
more or less
upon the wisping Clouds of my desires
as the fires consume me
this aching for Soulful conciliations
may just be the key to what i seek
upon this “Seeker’s Path”
yes, i open my Heart
with the empty Hands of need
and i continually sow this seed
of love in – deed
that the Fruit may come
to fulfill my Pleading Soul
to be whole
once again
as i journey . . .
the “Seeker’s Path”
(c) October 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the seed to eternity
she offered him her womb
but he did not want to go that deep
he was not willing to explore her possibilities
all he wanted to do was plunder her gardens
to eat of the fruits
and labor not
yes he wanted to give her his seed
but not fulfill her needs
he wanted no commitment
to the possibilities of the situation
and her equations of happiness
again went unfulfilled
in her dreams
she constantly tilled the soils of her hopes
only to have them despoiled
is disdain
of her pains
no one of her suitors
seemed willing
to be that suitable completion
of the possibilities of her magic
she knew she was worthy
for she had a love unrequited
that has never known the darkness of despair
yet, each time
these divisive thieves of dreams and visions
stole a bit more of the air
that she so desperately needed
for her wings to work
you see, she was an angel of love
and all these walking dead could think of
was the physical
non-committal acts
they could enact
for a nights cessations
never realizing that their needs
would never cease as well
and an empty shell of a man they would remain
and they would be compelled
to forever be the zombies
of the nights
of ill gotten plights
and their souls would suffer
as it was for her
never realizing that there was a gift divine
lying in front of them
as she offered them her womb
the seed to eternity
© 23 February 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

yes, he was homeless
he sat on the sidewalk
near the corner
by the Bus Stop
where the passengers would pass him by
he was stuck in a convoluted vortex
between Despair and Hope
not necessarily of his own doing
he was just looking for a way to cope
with the invisible rope
around the neck of his dead dreams
yes, he was homeless
it has been quite some time
more than he could even remember
since he saw his little girl
yes, she and his family was his world
but she probably was not little any more
it has been so many years
so many tears
and all the fears
he once embraced
have now fled
for all that he once prized
has been bled
from his prideful grasp
right before his eyes . . .
his Family
his Home
and now he has been destined to roam
these streets of continuing anguish
yes, he was homeless
as he spends his days
in his own chosen ways
he has never held out his hand
to beg
though his life was out of hand
there still resided an uncertain pride
and dignity
his humanity
with a somewhat suspect certainty
yes, he was homeless
in spite of himself
he tried
and would not allow his noble spirit
to be denied
yes, he defied
the indifference to his suffering
and perhaps the Societal expectations
that told him to give up on life
to just become a part of the collection of statistics
and rollover and die
but still he vied
for more
yes, he was homeless
somewhere buried deeply in his heart
there still lived something warm
and it was all his alone
he found this quite special
it was the only thing left
yes it was his alone
and it could not be taken
nor forsaken
yes, he was homeless
there were pictures there he prized
he held them forever in his inner eye
embraced them
saw his face in them
there were pictures of a “White Pickett Fence”
with a Gate
that somehow he believed
would alter his fate
as it led to a brighter day
and this dark night would dissipate
and become sunshine once again
and then he could brightly
embrace his joy of expectation but one more time
in this same vision
he saw Sidewalks
but the only apparent purpose they served
was for Little Red Wagons
Hopscotch and Skates
and the endless Smiles and Sunshine
upon the Face of the Children
and such
a place where he could touch
a place in space not forgotten
and though he was homeless
he still had a heart
and his sanity
and this heart was the Home
of his Humanity
so though he was homeless
he still was so much more
than the man at the Bus Stop
and though he was just the man on the Sidewalk
of our City
it is not Pity one should give
Perhaps a Meal, your Heart, a Gesture, a Smile
stop and take some time to converse for a while
share your Humanity
share your Heart
for therein resides the Home
. . . of us all
yes, he was Homeless
(c) 28 December 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the sleeper’s song . . .
he sat on the perch of life and deliberately began to bear his soul
and he spoke in a tongue that has not been heard since the days of old
yes he knew the language of the Ancients now hidden
and he was aware that this tongue of light was quite forbidden
but the day has come and he somehow knew this
the invasion of the Darkness had to desist
for many a child would be lost to the war
and that was what he was sent here for
to awaken the sleepers from the mist and enchantment
to sever the chords of illusions dependence
to open the gates before it was too late
for that was the cause of his Soul and fate
the time for song was ebbing once more
yes he had visited upon this dimension before
the story has not changed nor has the game
and he was the keeper of this Holy Flame
a “Gate Keeper” is what they called him
eleven more guarded the abyss’ sharp edged rim
and once again it was he who sounded the Drum
as the sleepers awakened and embraced their sum
the war was beginning betwixt the Ying and the Yang
and you could hear the solemn song as they sang
for eons we have awaited this time and space
and now comes the time when we will see His face
i watched as the fiery light began to dance in the air
consuming all there is, the blight and the fair
and the sleeper’s song began shred the shroud
and the silence of death danced through the crowd
the words they did utter gave cause to the quake
for now the words has been spoken, and the sleeper’s awake
a sleeper can not sing . . . the sleeper’s song . . .
(c) September 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.

a Rose
if you hold it’s beauty to tightly
it’s petals will list
and it’s fragrance will be short lived
if you are careless
surely the thorns
will bring forth
a new
or forgotten
thus is love
a Rose
© 1 June 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

by the Stream
as we lay upon the blanket
that lays upon the grass
under the Tree which weeps
as it’s willows reached
to touch the earth
there was a certain ease
that lazy afternoon
Mother was busy conducting the Orchestra
of beauty
of life
just for us
and the Sun applauded brightly
the Chirping Birds, and the Crickets
the Butterflies and the Bees a humming
and the Ants
all played their part
perfectly Que’d
to our concordant heartbeats
while the Stream streamed
her lyrical melody
we were aware of movement
in things
some were in the undercurrent
of consciousness
thought was not required here
for the Smörgåsbord of verdant fragrances
and scents of life
displaced their necessity
as we indwelled
in the realm
of our Heaven
there was no more
unleavened bread to eat of
for sorrows have taken leave
all i could possibly sense
was you and i
and Mother’s Holy performance
as we lay upon the blanket
that lay upon the grass
under the Tree that weeped
by the Stream
© 6 March 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

ever for
my soul joyfully weeps in anticipation . . .
of your coming
i know with all due certainty
that you bear for me a bountiful heart,
filled with the gifts of “Heart”,
with no limitations.
Through many restless nights
i rode the dream streams
of colorful light beams
looking over the horizons
of my aspirations . . .
looking for you
All my senses enlivened
with the urge but to be of you . . .
through you . . .
in you . . .
once again . . .
for you complete
the “me” of “me”.
Over the eons
i have watched
the waxing and waning
of my passions and desires,
knowing that only your heart
could align my path with my truth.
Need i say that
the warm velvet of your ethereal touch
grounds me in the soil
of the garden of “Birth and Death”
exposing my silly illusions . . .
that i am finite.
Yes Love,
in my delusional haste to live
and the creations of my own hauntings,
i knew you were always there . . .
heart in hand
flowing with the essence of all life
. . . love.
For with Love,
Death willingly is trumped
and thus submits it’s veil of deceit
to what “IS” . . . Life!
So. my dear
bring me the breath of “BE”ing that sustains us . . .
bring me the Joy Divine
bring me my Life’s Light . . .
Light my Lantern once again
bring me our life
that permeates all “BE”ing . . .
that i may awaken
and be transformed in the . . .
ever for.
(c) 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.

of this day
from the Dawn of this Morning
i call to you
as you call to me
for the spirit of who we are
are but reflections of something greater
something beyond
most earthly comprehension
does not the Sun rise from his bed each morn
to make way for our day
does not the Sun light the way
that our path this day
may be seen
with the utmost of clarity
i celebrate you
and your grandeur
as you reflect
that which is greater in you
for now i see
in the light
of this day
© 2 June 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.

the silence taunts me,
and my manifestation
embodied in body
is restless
stirring consciousness
to speak on it’s behalf
in hopes that its whisperings
may entice my soul
to movement
the dance of light
in illusion
is still what it is
and all meaning perhaps
slips from our grasp
as it has done
over the eons
understanding is not seclusive
though our precluded observation
have moved to a house
with no foundations
and invariably
the fall approaches
with a taste of reproach
for our elective disconnectedness
and then upon the collapse
of the dreams
embraced by the ether
brings stillness in the wake
and then we hear
the silence
which taunts
the souls of men
© 15 July 2011 : William S. Peters, Sr.